Tuesday, March 29, 2011

... Best Drink in the World.

While grocery shopping today, I decided to take a detour and look at a shelf or two I usually skip and found this...

Now, anyone who has ever taken a drink of this knows it is the most AMAZING tasting healthy drink ever. It's like candy V8... only healthy. 

Well, I didn't know this at the time and I read the label and decided I'll try it. 

I got home and poured myself a glass... and it looked like this. 

NOW... I can put all sorts of names to this picture but we're just going to stick with green-bean baby food. At this point I'm thinking to myself "uh... should I drink this?" I pulled the bottle back out and read the description again just to make sure it actually said it tasted good, which it did, so I took a swig.

Dont let the color fool you... this drink is AMAZING. 

Yep, just had to throw that out there. Have a goodnight :)

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